How to brand resume

Branding is the difference between you being perceived as an average other or you being perceived as the special deal.
I am going to show you how to brand yourself on resume improving your chances in the job hunt.
You are navigating a lengthy, frustrating job hunt. And you hate recruiters and hiring managers.
You are not Nike or Disney, I know but who you are and how you project are important to being successful.
Are you putting your best foot forward?
When you’re hunting a job it’s time for some personal branding.
Branding yourself keeps you current in your field, opens doors for you, and creates a lasting impression on potential recruiters and hiring managers. By developing your own brand, you create positive perception recruiter has of you.
Branding Resume
Developing a personal brand is similar to product branding. The goal is to differentiate yourself in the job market so you can attain your objective, of landing your dream job.
The process includes defining yourself and your attributes, positioning yourself in a different way than other candidates.
Step 1: Objective
Get a job of Product Manager or VP of Finance.
Step 2: Your attributes
Define what you want to convey? What People associate with you and why?
Step 3: Create branding message
Tell all aspects of you. Defining yourself needs to include the characteristics of job functions.
The game is to tell “You are the best” for the job.
What to say
Do you consider yourself?
A hard worker
A team player
A people person
Don’t tell that on your resume.
Why not?
Because as good as these terms might seem, they’ve been on too many resumes to mean anything to hiring managers.
When you’re updating your resume, make your accomplishments stand out. Whether you’re applying to be a CEO or an intern, tailor your resume to the company you’re applying to.
Target the company
Look very closely at the job description of your desired position for hints about what they want.
For example, a list of responsibilities on a job description might include a line like this: “Analyze, create, and document business and system processes through the use of templates and process flow.”
In your resume, take a similar work experience you’ve had and tweak it to mirror, but not exactly match, the language in the job description. For example: “At a previous company, created the template for documenting the analytic process and streamlining business flow.” Takes the language, tweaks it, and makes you look like you’ll fit right in.
In general, it’s a good rule of thumb to read the company description or the “About” page on their website. Use some of their words and you’re more likely to get your foot in the door.
Branding Statement
I am innovative resume writer and my resume has
- Stories
- Branding
- Headline
After stories and headline branding statement is my effective element to resume.
You put 3–4 bullets describing your core attribute and skills required by the company followed by an effective branding statement tell what and who you are.
The branding statement should read like it fulfills the company’s potential employee’s job requirement.
Senior Accountant resume
- Master of Science Accounting
- Six years all-round accounting experience
- Expert in Excel, Word, Access and Outlook
Doing accounting functions account receivable, payroll, billing, financial reporting, general ledger, account reconciliation pushed me to do my master in accounting.
VP/Director level Resume
- 19 years senior executive in multinational companies. A turnaround of four companies.
- Identify key business trends, opportunities, and issues.
- Implement and maintain a system of adequate internal controls and procedures that are efficient and properly segregated to safeguard the company’s assets.
- Identify and implement profit opportunities through LEAN methodology.
I work with people and build teams to achieve results that were never expected by the company.
Place of Branding on Resume
This branding is after Name/contact info and before experiences on the resume. It is old objective or summary of templates resumes and both had no relevance today. It must go and I use the space to advance your career. Of course, first is always a headline on resume.
Feel how visible and impressive this is (Color and formatting center etc. is not possible here)
For Accountant resume
Add an Accountant who never missed a deadline, budget, and target to (Company Name) team
Troubleshooter Accountant (Name)
Address Phone: Email:
- Master of Science Accounting
- Six years all-round accounting experience
- Expert in Excel, Word, Access and Outlook
Doing accounting functions account receivable, payroll, billing, financial reporting, general ledger, account reconciliation pushed me to do my master in accounting.
For VP/Director level resume
Take on board a turnaround artist who transformed four companies in a raw.
Growth Pro (Name)
Address: Phone: Email:
- 19 years senior executive in multinational companies. A turnaround of four companies.
- Identify key business trends, opportunities, and issues.
- Implement and maintain a system of adequate internal controls and procedures that are efficient and properly segregated to safeguard the company’s assets.
- Identify and implement profit opportunities through LEAN methodology.
I work with people and build teams to achieve results that were never expected by the company.
Resume Service
If you are interested in telling a compelling story and branding yourself with new age resume forward your current resume directly to me at for a FREE (no obligation) critique.
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