Path to 100K income
$100,000 a year is earned by 509,025 employees in 2016 as per national workforce figures of USA. That is only $273 a day. $273 a day is only $34.12/hr. If you have a job making less than this $34.12 how are you supposed to reach 100K?
There is nothing wrong with having a regular promotion but pursuing another job can get you faster to the dream 100K. It’s time to learn how to make it happen. For things to move, you have to get another job. And to start that pursuit the only tool is your resume.
Traditional chronological resume hardly works now. You have to change resume tactics.
Stephen Q career trainer had written for my book “Millions have written “How to” resumes/CVs advice. This book written by a throat cancer survivor whose second language is English and who can’t make himself understood on a phone call is worth a million. Ignore this speed read and practical step-by-step regimen at your peril. Warning: If you are offended by imperfect language use, this is not for you. If, on the other hand, you have no idea why your resume/CV is not getting you an interview (hearing), this less than 96-page tome written by a 55 year old author from India will hand you the results he used to find jobs before he became a professional resume/CV writer. Double dare you to experience this self-help winner. I have no affiliation with the author or publisher or What I do have is more than 24 plus years working one-on-one with more than 4,000 professionals in transition. Wish I had had this resource during those years. Yes!”
Start with
Clear Objective.
Getting a job is the goal, but clarity will make your resume effective. And I wish you are clear to the company you want to apply minimum if not post or position. Never spend a dime or time on industry focus or generic resumes advice.
Then know what recruiters and hiring managers look for in resumes.
1. Tell upfront to HR Managers what you contribute to them? The headline will do it.
2. Tell your experience with success stories because HR managers look for achievements and action takers.
You will compel recruiter to notice you and interest hiring manager, and he wants to know more about you. You will get a call for an interview.
Above is the foundation and no one talks about it.
Simple Formula
On regular resume sections, I have a simple recipe. See info-graphic.
I am an advocate of headline and writing stories in resume experiences.
Don’t worry about word “Story.” You are not writing a novel. You write your experience with 2–4 sentences story with two bullets.
There is an industry shouting for best formats, designs, and templates for a resume. Spend money and time only if you believe
‘The Best dressed man/woman gets a job.’
It is never. You are judged by your opening statement in less than a minute. A resume is you in person virtually so your opening statement is the headline. Unfortunately, you don’t have it.
Recruiters and hiring managers give zero marks to design or formats and hate templates.
Let us talk stories.
Here is an example from IT Internship seeker who asked me on That resume experience has,
IBM, Lenexa, Kansas, USA
Software Engineer Intern in Quality Assurance May/2014-Aug/2014
• Creation of a new, fully documented, testing solution for Graphical User Interface (GUI) software for Informix software suite, diminishing the workforce needed for testing, the solution was modular and easy to expand.
• Created and presented several presentations about IBM technology and roadmap.
I suggested
You mentioned “diminishing the workforce needed for testing” in your IBM experience.
An excellent point I write it as
IBM: Lenexa, Kansas, USA
Software Engineer Intern in Quality Assurance
“Diminish People Needed for GUI Testing
At IBM I was part of research …………
And your two bullets.”
Do this for each experience.
Now see what headline can do? If you like start using it on a resume.
Resume and profile are very important career tools. You must improve it.
Now about my rejection for English. Here is one recent case where resume goal was,
“I recently left an 18 yr teaching career due to health issues. I will not be returning to teaching but I’m not sure what I want to do next. I’m open to new opportunities and would like my written resume and LinkedIn profile to be written accordingly.”
She responded to my “Why I am not fit?”
“I’m sorry I was not able to hire you. I am a language teacher and for me, incorrect grammar jumps off the page and catches my attention. Your grammar is mostly correct, but there are a few words and phrases that do not sound like a native English speaker would say them. I need help coming up with the words to enhance my resume. Thank you for considering me as a client.”
I do not care her article mistakes which Grammarly pointed me out but repeat to you dear career aspirant and say what I say in my service proposal.
If you think you are fit for the job, then I will open the doors for you, get that INTERVIEW by telling your skills the way a recruiter and hiring manager like to listen.
I do not write for grammarians. I do use Grammarly.
My resume service rates starts $199. I give resume plus one communication piece you will send before the interview if you choose. That will give you an unfair advantage to control your interview and like by hiring managers because it talks what is interesting to them. It requires 1.5 hours work on your part. You will do research and send some facts.
If interested shoot me an email at
For all my dear readers is my course. Check my Job Getting Resume writing course. It is $19. It is like a workbook. I kept it also at a price of a book though others courses are $100+. No one teaches the basics you know above plus how to write headline and story for resumes. Enroll HERE. If you spend it will be your best investment for your career.
Thanks for reading.